You can create slides which contain all the symbols you have used in a document. You can also create slides showing the copyright information for symbols you have used in a document. You might need to do this if you are sharing documents you have created.

Create slides showing all the symbols you have used

  • Write some text in a document and add symbols.
  • Go to the "Symboliser" tab.
  • Choose "Symbols Used".
  • You can choose the maximum cells you want per slide, whether text is above or below the symbol, or not displayed, and if you want the grid of symbols to be added to the end of your current presentation or into a new presentation.

Create slides showing copyright information for the symbols you have used

This will create copyright information for symbols you have used from online symbol sets.

  • Write some text in a document and add symbols using an online symbol set such as the Noun Project.
  • Go to the "Symboliser" tab.
  • Choose "Copyrights".
  • You can choose if you want the grid of symbols and copyright information to be added to the end of your current presentation or into a new presentation.

Some symbolised text:

Symbols grid created using the "Symbols Used" button:

Copyright information for the same presentation: